About “Get the Facts 2026”
The data consistently show that most gun-related violence is perpetrated by repeat offenders—individuals with a history of violent behavior, released time and again into our communities. Not Law-Abiding Gun Owners!
Welcome to GetTheFacts2026.com, your trusted source for factual, unbiased data about firearms and civil rights issues in Massachusetts. Our mission is simple: to empower the public with accurate information, free from political spin or partisan agendas, and to challenge the misconceptions surrounding gun ownership and violent crime.
At the heart of our initiative is a fundamental truth: law-abiding gun owners are not the cause of violent crime. The data consistently show that most gun-related violence is perpetrated by repeat offenders—individuals with a history of violent behavior, released time and again into our communities. These acts are not prevented by restrictive laws aimed at responsible citizens; they persist because of systemic failures that fail to hold violent criminals accountable.

Violent People Commit Violent Crimes
The Data we will provide you clearly shows, Violent People commit Violent Crimes. If the State keeps releasing these criminals back onto the streets, Crime will never go down!
Gun Laws are not Obeyed by Criminals
Every City with the toughest gun laws, also have the highest rates of crime. Why? Because criminals don’t obey laws. It’s that Simple!
The Right to Self Defense is a Constitutional Right!
The Right to Free Speech, To Vote, To Worship, To Protest are no greater than your right to keep and bear arms to defend yourself and your family!
What We Believe
- Facts Matter: Truthful, transparent data is essential to making informed decisions.
- Civil Rights Are Non-Negotiable: The right to self-defense and responsible gun ownership is a cornerstone of personal freedom and public safety.
- Accountability is Key: Releasing violent offenders onto the streets poses a greater threat than any legally owned firearm ever could.
- Common-Sense Solutions: Rather than creating thousands of ineffective new laws or attempting to outlaw guns entirely, we need policies that address the root causes of crime—recidivism, lack of enforcement, and a failure to rehabilitate or penalize repeat offenders.
Our Goal
GetTheFacts2026.com aims to cut through the noise and focus on the data.
We confront the claims made by anti-civil rights and anti-gun groups with evidence-backed analysis. We highlight the failures of policies that punish responsible citizens while ignoring the real causes of violence. Our ultimate goal is to foster meaningful dialogue and solutions that enhance public safety without compromising constitutional freedoms.
Join Us
This is more than a website—this is a movement. Together, we can educate our communities, advocate for smart and effective policies, and protect the rights of every law-abiding citizen. Explore our resources, learn the facts, and stand with us in promoting safety, accountability, and freedom.