“The Loss of One Right… Eventually Leads to The Loss of All Rights”

Your Rights Are Under Attack. Get The Facts
Before It’s Too Late!

In November 2026, thanks to the efforts of your family, friends and neighbors, you will have the power to take a stand. To educate yourself and make an informed decision to repeal a dangerous and unjust law.

Whether you’re a sportsman, a concerned citizen, or someone who believes in fairness and freedom, the facts are clear: this law goes too far!

We are asking you to keep an open mind… and make an informed decision.


Violent People Commit Violent Crimes!
The Data we will provide you clearly shows, Violent People commit Violent Crimes. If the State keeps releasing these criminals back onto the streets, Crime will never go down!


Criminals Do Not Obey the Law!
Cities with the toughest gun laws, also have the highest rates of crime. Why? Because criminals don’t obey laws. It’s that Simple! Crime is not dependent on guns. Crime is caused by poverty, mental illness and hatred.


Self Defense is a Constitutional Right! Too Many leaders ignore the US Constitution.
The Right to Free Speech, To Vote, To Worship, To Protest are no greater than your right to keep and bear arms to defend yourself and your family!

Politicians use Gun Control to appeal to your emotions & distract you from their failed policies.

Review third-party evidence-based studies… and make an informed decision.

Unbiased Pure Facts and Data will prove:
* Hundreds more are killed by Rope than by Guns
* The Opioid Crisis and Drug Overdoses kill 10x more people
* Out of the 107 Gun Homicide Deaths, the overwhelming majority were committed by violent, repeat criminals who don’t obey laws!
* The Cities with the Toughest Gun Control Laws have the Highest Crime Rates in the Nation. It’s not a gun problem!
* Law Abiding Gun Owners are not the problem
* Untreated Mental Illness is the Problem and should be the focus!
* Keeping Violent Criminals behind Bars needs to be the focus!
* We need to rebuild our urban communities and families and bring true prosperity to those who live there. Poverty is the problem.

#1 Cause

Releasing Violent Criminals

A study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission revealed that over a follow-up period, 63.8% of federal violent offenders were rearrested for a new crime or a violation of supervision conditions.

Further research indicates that within nine years of release, 83% of state prisoners were rearrested, with 82% of these arrests occurring within the first three years.

#2 Cause

Untreated Mental Illness

27% of all children between the ages of 12 and 19 are on some sort of prescription drug. 6.0% of U.S. adolescents aged 12–19 reported psychotropic drug use. Nearly 100% of all school shooters were mentally disturbed and on medications. Untreated mental illness is responsible for overwhelming suicide rates in this country. Center for Disease Control

#3 Cause


The lack of prosperity in urban communities, the lack of jobs and failed policies have decimated and impoverished millions. The family structure has been destroyed within inner cities. Northwestern University

Communities of Color are disproportionately affected by Gun Control laws, leaving their residents helpless against violent crimes and gangs.

We propose starting over. Let’s stop the madness, the killings and the Insanity!

The root causes of violent crime in this country is clear. It’s time to work together to solve the problems.

Mental Health

In this part, we will write about what makes your business unique and the value people get from using your products or services over competitors.

Drug Abuse & Opioid Addiction

In this part, we will write about what makes your business unique and the value people get from using your products or services over competitors.

Releasing Repeat Criminals

In this part, we will write about what makes your business unique and the value people get from using your products or services over competitors.

Horror Stories & Testimonials

Can You Handle the Truth?

We confront the claims made by anti-civil rights and anti-gun organizations with evidence-backed analysis. We highlight the failures of policies that punish responsible citizens while ignoring the real causes of violence. Our ultimate goal is to foster meaningful dialogue and solutions that enhance public safety without compromising constitutional freedoms.

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